List of Tamil words in Mabaan language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
The Maban languages are a small family of languages which have been included in the proposed Nilo-Saharan family. Maban languages are spoken in eastern Chad, the Central African Republic and western Sudan (Darfur)

Clues to read Mabaan words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Add / delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained /deleted / added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once, it has to be read only once.
Ref- Mabaandictionary Unicode. pdf
English- Mabaan- Tamil
*1.wipe- yuodo- thudai; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
*2. tie- yuokti- kattu
3.stop -yccda- thadu
*4. middle- yoom- maiyam
*5. meat- yono- uoon
*6. destroy/ ruin- yoogde- kedu finished with – yomuduanno – mudiththidanum
*8. convert- omuduanno- maaththidanum
9.heart - seat of emotions/ not literal heart - yomu- manam
10.pigeon- yire- puraa
*11.cut /slaughter- yerdo- aruththidu
12.shave head- yieti- mottai adi
13. tree- yitta- thadi /wood
*14. cooked- yegdi- aakkiyathu
*15. become- yegdi- aakidu
16.ripen- yegdu- kaninthida
17.shout- yaado- oaasai idu; oaasai- sound.
18.shout- yaajja- oaasai sei; sei- make.
*19. laughter- yalgo-ilikka/ laugh
*20. laugh- leeto- iliththida
21.vagina- yale- puzhai
*22. rest- wwawo/ woowa- woaivu
*23. rest- woodi- woaivu edu /take rest
*24. tail- wile- waal
25.make designs- weeto–vadivamaiththidu
*26. sell- weeto – viththidu
*27. lock /close in- uot- adai
28.add to - uot- saeththidu
29.addto- uotka- saeththiduka
30.roast- tuor- suduthar
* twoto- theiththidu
*32. pour out- tuoto- uooththu
*33. ignite- tuoto - theeidu; thee-fire.
34.ignite smudge- tuuldo – thee iduthal
35.stab /spear - tiagdo– kuththuka; kuththu; letters are in reversed order.
36.weave on a loom- toki- neithiduka
37.cut- toto- thundiththidu
38.wet- tinna tinna- thanniya /wet/water
39.prevent- tiep -thadu
*40. wash clothes- tuow- thuvai
41.die- tuudo- seththidu
*42. wear- tudi- uduththu
43.*pierce- tudi- theiththidu
44.dig- tck- thoanduka
45.touch- topo- thodu
46. light a fire- tuno- thee yaeththanum
*47. waist- teyyu- idai
48.left over- teeti- meethi
*49. break- teyi- udai
*50. earth /country /ground/ land /soil- terro- tharai
51.ride an animal- taap- oaattu
52.touch /feel- tabdo- thottu paaththidu
53.touch /feel- tammo- thodanum
54.drip- tali- sottuthal
*55. sprinkle- tali -theliththal
*56. boil/cook - taale- aduthal
57.boil/ cook- taaldo- thilaiththal
*58. wrap- pooti – pothi
*59. wrap- koto/ goto - kattu
60.wrap -goldo- kattuthal; letters are jumbled.
61.pour for someone- pwokta- uooththi kodu; letters are jumbled; uooththu- pour; kodu- give.
* poothi
63.tree bark- pottin- pattai
64.think- punu- ennu
*65. sprinkle rain- pieyi- peiyya/ raining
*66. defecate- pieli- paelu
67.turn pages- piegdo- pakaththaimaaththu; pakkam- page; maaththu- change.
* afraid- poda- peethi /fear; peethi adaiya- to get afraid. afraid- ootka- peethi adaika hot- ooti- soodaa /hot
*71. exaggerate- perdo- perithu paduthu
*72. flower- pepee- poo
73.braid- paddo- pinnidu
*74. curse- cto- yaesidu
*75. near- ottati- otti
*76. grind with stone- ooto- idi; thaei.
*77. grind with stone- deedo- idiththidu; thaeiththidu.
*78. grind with stone- ardo- araiththidu
*79. walk – ootta- adi edu; adi- step; edu- take.
*80. resemble- ooto- oththa
*81.exclamation of amazement- aa ta tata- ada dae; ada da daa.
82.send- onne- anuppu
83.forgive- oondeti- manniththidu
84. bone- oono -enpu
*85. confront-odga – ethiththiduka/ oppose
*86. make- oko- aaakku
87.join- naakca- inaika
88.smell- noodo- naaththam /stink
89. do / make- nono- pannu
*90.close- myeto- moodu
91.gourd /for drinking beer- mcctta- monthai
92.lightening striking- mooto- minnida
*93. woman- moongo- mankkai- woman
*94. beat repeatedly - mood- moththu
*95. drink continually /copiously - mood- mattai adi
96.tell- mietka- nodikka /say
97.yet- min- innum; letters are in reversed order.
*98. mother- mey- ammai
*99. explain- lwuki- vilakku; letters are jumbled
100.squat for a long time- kwabdo- kunthu / sit
101. rise- luldo- yzhuthal
*102.wash- luagdo- alakkidu
*103.wash- lckko- alakku
*103.pour into – luaga- olikka
104.teach- loto- solli thaa
*105.pool- kwol- kulam
106.blow / wind instrument- kuoti- uoothuka; letters are in reversed order.
107.vessel/ beer- kuppa- koappai/ cup
*108.blow- kuudo –kuththu /give a blow
*109.pot / water/ beer - kulla- kalayam
*110.pot / water/ beer – kulan/ goln - kalan
*111.pot/ oil - kattan- ennai kudam; ennai- oil; kudam- pot.
112. sister- kow- akka/ elder sister
113. boil / water- kottin- thanni kothiththida; thanni- water.
*114.rescue- kookko- kaakka
*115.hole /grave- koolo- kuzhi
*116.jump over- kooti- kuthi
*117.bite- koodi- kadi
*118. be biten- kaada- kadiththida someone- kookca- kaanuka
*120.weed- kola- kalai
121.pot- konna- kinnam /bowl
122.stir food- keeti- kindu
*123.wait- keey- kaakka
*124.wait- keedo -kaaththidu
* kal- kollai
*126.steal- kaldo- kalavaadu
*127.seed- keey- kaai
*128.clan- keen- kanam
*129.clan- keedin- kudi inam
*130. short person- kata- kuttaiyan ; kuttai- short.
* 131.slave- keengcn- kinakan
*132.eagle- kalla- kazhuku
*133. bow/ shooting- kayo- kuni
*134.tree - kaapto- kattai /wood
*135.small boy - kaatta- kuttan; kutti- small.
*136.agree- jyeddo- yaeththidu
*137.get up / rise- jclla- yezhu
138.give birth- jiedo- peththidu
*139.shake- jieka- asaikka
*140.shake- jiedo- asaiththidu
141.shake-betto- poattu aattu soil- jian- sem munn; semmai- red; munn- soil.
143.pocket- jiap- pai
*144.decay- jado -sithaiya
145.penis- inu- maani;sunni.
146.soot- illa- pali
*147.disrobe /take off clothing – gwodda –udaiyaei avuththiduka; udai- dress; letters are jumbled.
148. see- gwallo- kaanal
*149. stone- guonan- kann
150. remove- gunno – neekku; letters are in reversed order.
151.remove- guddo- neekkidu
152. disrobe- guddo- avuththudu; ka= va; va=ka.
153.see- gotta- kandidu
154.see- gcottan – kandidu; letters are jumbled.
*155. pass by- goto-kadakka; yaekida.
156.lap water /dog - goti – nakkida/ lick
157. show- goorte- kaattuthar;letters are jumbled. goodo –theika; letters are in reversed order.
*159.wear - en- ani
160.divide /dishes- eto- thundu idu
*161.take- eedo- yedu
*162. sad- duor- thuyaram
163.bring by carrying- duora- eduththar
164. lift something heavy together- duoto- eduththidu
*165.beat – duado -adiththidu
*166. beat- duay- adi
167.put- duanno- idanum
168.old person- duana- muthoyoan
169.finish- dook- mudikka
170.finish/ complete - dooda- mudiththidu
171.tree- doog -kattai /wood; lettersare in reversed order.
172.stop – dcckka- thadukka
173.tie - deko- mudi iduka
*174.knock down /throw down as in wrestling - dello- idiththal; thalluthal;saaiththal.
*175. plaster grinding hole- diet- oaattai /hole.
176.pierce- dianno- theiththidanum
*177.pierce- duoga- theikka
178.goats- deeko; attukeda;kidaai; letters are jumbled.
*179.shepherd- deencn- Idaiyan
180.cut- deewa- vettu; letters are in reversed order.
*181.pound- dyeku – idikka ;podikka
182.stretch- duot- neettiththidu
183.hump /cow - duolle- thimil
184.moisten/ in water - dootka- nanaiththiduka
185.moisten/ in water- dooto/ dododa- nanaiththidu
*186.prohibit- dey – thadai idu; thadu.
187.prohibit- deeno - thadai idanum
188. arrive- denna- adaiyanum
*189.shine- deki- thayankka; thudikka
190.thresh – deedo- soottadi
*191. naughty child- cyitta- sutti
192. sharpen- cy eti /ciddo -theettu
193. pound grain with pole- cuu gdo- kuththu
194. messenger- cuuda- thoothan
195. make object- ceddo-seithidu /make
*196.beg- ceko- yaasikka
197. hit / bumpinto - coomdo- moathu
198.write- ciido- theettu
199. vomit- cagdo- kakkidu
200.tree- bctto- thadi /timber
201. run away- boto -oaadi poaeidu; oaattampidi; letters are jumbled; oaadu- run; oaattam- running.
202.escape- boto- thappiththu oaadu - letters are read more than once.
*203. outside- bora- puram
*204. pass by – boot- poaeida
*205. split- boko- paku
*206.split- bokto/ bagdo- pakuththidu
207. dig- bietan -thoandu
208. anoint- bide-poosidu
*209.race each other- boddc- poatti
210.scatter- beer- eraiya
*211. protect- beegde- kaaththidu; paathu kaaththidu – letters are jumbled.
*212.say aperson’s name- bar ca- - peyar sollu; peyar- name; sollu- say .
*213. give name- bardo- peyar idu ; peyar- name- idu- give.
*214. river- banna- pannai
215.elephant/ male- baan- yaanai
216.ram- aran- arinam
*217. burn – aadda- theeidu; thee-fire